at work i developed a new drink that keeps me feeling ok making it through an afternoon: coffee water. there are likely many variations possible, but i typically make my coffee water the same way every time. i start by getting a thermos of coffee in the morning and returning to my desk. i am not above drinking the bottom of the pot that probably should have been dumped out - and that's perfect; by the time I make it in the office dregy,thick,black&burned becomes my ideal base for coffee water. after slurping most of thermos down, the last remnants of my ground-up bean-drug juice then sit on my desk and rest until the time comes to make the transformation from coffee to coffee water. this rest period typically lasts at least three hours, though it hasnt been uncommon for dregs to rest thirty or fourty hours before the time is right. when the right times comes isn't easy - i never leave my desk and head to the kitchen with the idea i'll be making coffee water. usually im set on just getting more coffee or a clear cup of chilled cooler water. the magic starts to happen as i approach the company kitchen - i hear someone milling around. my senses pick up as i enter the kitchen and look left: no coffee. i look to the sink and see a coworker stooped, bent, washing out a lunch container--there is no room for me at the sink. perfect i can get by without interaction. with dreg filled thermos in hand i push swiftly and silently beyond my coworker directly to the watercooler. an occupied sink, no coffee, an unwashed vessel and me// all the ingrediants are here. without rinsing i fill my quickly thermos and dash back to my desk, treat in hand.