
Archive fuck
posted over 8 years ago
tags: culture, music, videos
Archive starving for the future
posted about 8 years ago

can't wait til all the food is produced by robots in skyscraper farms

Archive bank$y
posted about 8 years ago

the art of banksy

just exited through the gift shop at the banksy exhibition in amsterdam. what an ironic clusterfuck. as an (cringe) artist I feel pretty conflicted about banksy, I like his work and street art is a cool modern medium that he definitely took to the mainstream (good/bad/whatever), but how effective is your anti capitalist message/movement when you've made yourself a millionaire out of it. it's the snow-piercer dilemma, once you fight the system all the way to the top you find that you are exactly where you were always supposed to end up. the tienaman square tank piece he has (where in this case the protester is simply directing the tanks to the dept store sale or something) comes to mind, and just reinforces that whatever statement or status quo defying rebellion you think you're taking part in, you're exactly where you were placed and intended to be. that is the nature of capitalism I suppose, our darkest desires can be fulfilled if what we provide is in high enough demand. if we are aware of this does it somehow give us an upper hand at fighting the power? or are we now more prone to complacency and giving in, getting ours, and playing the game because there is no other choice. whether he is totally self aware or entirely hypocritical is moot. banksy has his anonymity, and his money. in this day and age these are by far the two most valuable things.. besides like.. love or whatever.

(puts guy Fawkes mask on) is banksy a government conspiracy? is he some edge lord making obvious social commentary to feel superior and somehow outside of the machine? who cares, he paints some pretty pictures. all in all was it worth €19? fuck no. banksy still p whack. 

rip art. 

Archive hot night
posted about 8 years ago

please dont touch me or my work computer ever again

Archive adam, the rising
posted over 8 years ago

what world is this

Archive coffee water
posted over 8 years ago

at work i developed a new drink that keeps me feeling ok making it through an afternoon: coffee water. there are likely many variations possible, but i typically make my coffee water the same way every time. i start by getting a thermos of coffee in the morning and returning to my desk. i am not above drinking the bottom of the pot that probably should have been dumped out - and that's perfect; by the time I make it in the office dregy,thick,black&burned becomes my ideal base for coffee water. after slurping most of thermos down, the last remnants of my ground-up bean-drug juice then sit on my desk and rest until the time comes to make the transformation from coffee to coffee water. this rest period typically lasts at least three hours, though it hasnt been uncommon for dregs to rest thirty or fourty hours before the time is right. when the right times comes isn't easy - i never leave my desk and head to the kitchen with the idea i'll be making coffee water. usually im set on just getting more coffee or a clear cup of chilled cooler water. the magic starts to happen as i approach the company kitchen - i hear someone milling around. my senses pick up as i enter the kitchen and look left: no coffee. i look to the sink and see a coworker stooped, bent, washing out a lunch container--there is no room for me at the sink. perfect i can get by without interaction. with dreg filled thermos in hand i push swiftly and silently beyond my coworker directly to the watercooler. an occupied sink, no coffee, an unwashed vessel and me// all the ingrediants are here. without rinsing i fill my quickly thermos and dash back to my desk, treat in hand. 

Archive smooth sailing no fear of failing
posted over 8 years ago

take the micro and the macro

the matter of facto

ur never gonna figure it out

the times that you listen to my words

and not just memorize the chorus

you do it wrong

just for the fuck of it sometimes

thats why I'm jelly bout it 


i miss you but I wouldn't if it werent

when you know you know

and can't no one take that away from you

even if u do it wrong

eventually because of something 

else it will be right

it'll all make sense


it'll all change

and it won't make sense

there is no end

Archive u me cran && * S * W * 0 * 0 * P * [[[ G ]]] !!!!
posted about 8 years ago
last nite paid a tab with a craniel fake $50 damn craniel
Archive take three over one
posted about 8 years ago
Archive gabba gabba
posted over 7 years ago

if i were a rich man w 25k to blow id have bought everyone of the pictures by jeffrey sklan - criminal defense attorney 

Archive my smokin hot wife
posted over 6 years ago
tags: culture, cool, wow, ok, wedding
Archive always cool to do something
posted about 5 years ago

gunna be a sickk month

sep growth

Archive meant to post this
posted about 5 years ago

Archive get over your job
posted almost 5 years ago

unless u the boss it aint u

Archive coming soon
posted over 4 years ago
Archive just added music
posted over 4 years ago

check out the tunes section

to hear tracks from your soon to be favorite talented artists

and to submit your own

Archive 8 jd 💆‍♂️
posted over 4 years ago

may the better chef prevail. get ripped

that is too weird

Archive goal setting
posted over 4 years ago


easy to start hard to finish

from home or on the road

just be a better friend

Archive now launched!
posted almost 4 years ago

text 959-213-1666

Archive crawling & balling
posted almost 4 years ago

check it out and support

Archive song ideas
posted almost 4 years ago

1. starts like you're an angel in heaven then subterranean shroom rave
2. little kid djing a frat party 
3. really wholesome content but fucked up chopped and screwed
4. stop a famous hook then do another one

tags: culture, music, work, covid, god
Archive le quatre juillet
posted over 3 years ago

oui oiu

Archive music for the people, ma nt ra
posted about 3 years ago
Archive fuuuuuuck
posted about 3 years ago


Archive time for a w
posted about 3 years ago


tags: culture, cool, 5, hold, be, 3
Archive cool vid
posted about 3 years ago
Archive q4 create
posted about 3 years ago

the time for consumption has passed the coffers filled the engines oiled

take a break and be

Archive a giants suck chant
posted about 3 years ago

just broke out in the 5th inning of a 1-1 dodgers cardinals 1 game wild card winner take all.


Archive holiday season
posted almost 3 years ago

1 candy halloween

2 plate thanksgiving

3 gift christmas



tags: culture, cool, 2021, year
Archive time for some fun
posted almost 3 years ago

your new destination


Archive switching to apple music
posted almost 3 years ago


  • spotify doesn't have an easy to browse 'library' like the apps from my past. Choosing something to listen to because a 'recently played' fest because the ui for getting to any other album sucks. the ui scrolling through my library is laughable. no tags.
  • i hate seeing the goddamn podcast ads polluting my screen space. i have never listened to a single podcast on spotify - get them out of my universe. if i never see joe rogan or the nsfw girls again ill be better for it
  • spotify serving music industry by curating all these playlists - groupthink music for the masses. makes discovery even harder as people now rely on 'corporate' playlists based on how the app pushes them. 
  • i want to rename all the neggy gemmy back to negative gemini and i can't
  • the circle dock app on the mac bar is annoying. get with the program and put the icon in a square with rounded corners.
  • the 'just for fans' emails enrage me for some reason
  • the apple music quality murks spotify whatever it could be the settings but the same songs sound better on apple music and it shouldnt be up to me to fix any of this shit even if it is in the settings
  • apple music had more rap mixtapes but seems like spotify caught up on the big ones but it still took forever
  • spotify tries too hard LOL


Archive new website launch
posted over 2 years ago

Easyeaze by me

find the best deal on eaze flower

going to add morning email alert for 'super' deals

Archive old buck
posted over 2 years ago

its one thing to get somethin new, its another to keep it up, ok, im done what else


Archive niagara
posted over 1 year ago

medium kookaburra wings


an order of bread

house salad - oil and vinegar


2x outback speical

  - medium rare

- ausie fries

- seasonal veges


other one

- medium

- broccoli

- mashed potatos

- add gravy 


gold coast rita to go?

if so, 4, if not, what beer is available to go?

Archive it's temporary
posted over 1 year ago

but that doesn't mean it's not real...


and artificial

tags: culture, life, tri, live, ftc
Archive effie gardens
posted over 1 year ago
Archive shoutout bruno dariu
posted over 1 year ago
Archive grow to like the new old ones
posted over 1 year ago
Archive ONLY Know one song DCO
posted over 1 year ago
Archive bark snarl growl fun
posted about 1 year ago
Archive whistle bird - fun duet
posted about 1 year ago
Archive fun with mummy
posted about 1 year ago

tag cloud

xls ryan jarrett parker family april dad faire 959 bar sleepy low energy hydration test empire baby with the cool hair scum summer 16 matt art russia time and uh plants nothing lately who could know marines glads sky mj suffering tv menu yes hiccup 20 consumer tupac covid ending the VIBE trip idk sixth iraq pizza jumpshot pink cold like authentic indie rock ethics avian wow heels tuesday remiinder Cape Canaveral fall faire neu jj yikes be clemmy bee toledo line pouvez whats happening 23 life love it when u talk tough source ball game love maga radio ootp am me work after partying musical theater sssssssssssahh hentai coiffure good parking vacation journalism patti thrall big omicron apple hut 2016 masterfade achay jt 21 final fantasy goff is dumb snick hawk nice hospitality montreal dancer kevin mew vidya grrrr dance cousin hoopin blast hairy spice heaven future ftc roasted peppers Fl thursday avid mountain berry totinos sweat sniper ya new music bink website bbm insta SmileySunCoin la simple hehe king foxy big mike grant shit farm more new age jadore forever bevs xanax and booze kid get darker seed nthab sunday brooklyn museum electric deep end anthropology first cool summer ladders press stanford boss may hollywood master padre win winning ff year triple double dead boost xlnce sports out cringe stake viral projects app reviews whip youtube duff jdg has covid monday what mad hatter fairy dust theantichrist echo buying banksy brand spray paint at the gift shop of a banksy exibit game mirra weed oakland tour seed prop i dont like sea seaweed december dota virool sandman saga wine law& kill myself wedding trek sun scuse me summers capitAlize friday b sigh new pup real man help looser videos penn state universal 400 chose snappers dota2 desk we wont behave insurance eaze coupon greek tallden rick kiana all weeniehut junior hannah is strong yuuup eaze code custom gif blaze hells the time indiana xmas vegas baby 3xb swimmerz goals head ond yum stretch update good crapple dreamin red bon iver echo park island sideyeti cow postcovid wizz 3x connor cooking testing it nerds bad habits bug sixteen cheester brovid utah tag youre it kc hot fit never stop slush-funded sports star covid duet carter as bread tail best buys always at frys guarenteed america is shot et loser broke digital weed smoking july guppy echo park princes portland i like it a lot the vibe afghanistan week 2 easy money clique eeuh 333 thhhh nip cram bradford personality test comes a time wes 2018 munny 213 coors dead rats in the walls freddy sanchez go rip soundcloud chi big eater nate the great alameda fore basketball road trip bad boy laulau noel thrasher good vibes postvid chris REEpost aug hot day support iran 2020 the le femme site snooze you lose moondays 3 food check this why g fuel baby boy oh yes repeat glug baseball moss gender bender bushwick jordan is a starr sizzle primetime munchkin bosox hi matt 2022 un blonde easy not all the same sound poem effiegardens golf chinese vlads games gamer natty system shower sample cash who lib omg nature brown real dude metro garfield fer ne music horizon clothes jimmy g quavo ok work you 15 -18 rite animals rhine fuck angel olsen spotify new nye aria larger metrics skeleton chicken yodeling convict fayday new desk summer 2021 where does go giants shins bm recipe 24 pleb death productivity bank accounts met mad flow vous 80 plus smooth csailing muthafuckin hits culture pool brother street fart aries vintage mess it up on purpose warm up Press Release pt1 tom brady mac dre gremlins peroxide troublemaker winter dog balance pagan and span stranded usa fantasy bark boi big game is pretty cool anthony anderson ledding giants ridin bdc quarantine chico create costa 2 illuminate coolios shake happy tempe peanut bugger scam newton HanleyRamirez deep stashed pssssbbbtt progress ez game SNF fluid shrooms dream cum true last game rebirth lol get wit it lord darpa los angeles xx sunned out red sux mole im in piff 5 computer god boys princes spare me heaven and heck the situation start small jake don't believe latvian locomotive computers teramotrobot sick live fronkocean grey tired backlink sb sb echo park Freestyle quelque physician assisted suicide 9592131666 giants win cuvee 1666 stranded v i r t u a l stripped cruel tri connelly huh friends hobbies coma box ssc bottle service yay no mo covid ashamed tagging hike brandon belt wish 2021 signage pop spicy halloween bow wow fun sorry living punk persona ot are stinkin up the joint eu yeah man gregm green harambe goth rly jeremy langford one hit shutout diy happy belated nanner pas coffee ca$h 16 goose feathers hold football smiles bottom