The pluses:
David Bowie + Genderqueer + rock tunes + good jokes
The negatives:
Hecklers in the crowd + no intermission + having to pee
The scoop: Having no idea what this was about, I was in for a pleasant suprise. Everyone else was in the know and were ready to rock to some great tunes. Hedwig is essentially a one person show, and some guy from glee slayed as the titular character. Songs were straight out of the 70s/80s, think Bowie or Iggy Pop. Story was a bit thin, but there were plenty of laughs to be had. Some hecklers in the audience tried to shout out the punchlines when the jokes were being told, but Hedwig did a good job of putting them in their place. The show is presented as a "rock concert" so there's no intermission, plan accordingly.